Isom MD

Welcome to Isom MD

We look forward to partnering with you in your journey to be the healthiest version of yourself!


Schedule your First Appointment

Your initial comprehensive physical appointment can take up to 2 hours. This can be divided into different days if you choose. Intake only appointments are offered up to 45 minutes virtually or up to 1 hour in-person with a follow up comprehensive physical, lasting approximately an hour, that can be scheduled at time that is more convenient for you.


Ways To Connect With Us


Download our secure messaging and telehealth app, Spruce. Now you are ready to connect with me with questions, concerns, and requests via text/virtual visits at your convenience! Non-urgent communication will be replied to the very next morning.


Call the practice at 702-447-0543. This line is reserved for members and caregivers only. Please do not give to non-member friends or family. Members are our priority and we want to protect that. 

You are officially a member, so please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Isom for any questions or concerns. We look forward to meeting you soon!